Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics

STEM activities nurture curiosity, inspire creativity and teach youth how to succeed.

YOUTH STEM: We are helping children reach their full potential by supporting their unique youth development journeys. STEM activities nurture curiosity, inspire creativity and teach youth how to succeed.

Youth who participate in STEM activities:

  • Learn how to solve a problem
  • Develop critical-thinking skills
  • Get comfortable with failure and trying again
  • Learn to work successfully in teams
  • Develop self-confidence
  • Are able to see themselves in STEM careers
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Robocrew Color


Location: Makers Lab – The Robo Crew is a competitive robotics program. Starting this summer, teams of 3-4 will compete in VEX IQ Robotics. During practice sessions, students will learn STEM skills as they analyze the game, create a strategy, design, build, and program a robot, and grow their critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and teamwork. Along with practices, students will be required to compete at various locations throughout the year, including a Monday-night league and various weekend tournaments.
NOTE: Signing up for this session implies that you will stay committed to the team throughout this year-long program. (Transportation to events is not provided.) Click to View Schedule Participants: 4/8

Middle School League, Grades 6-8
Tuesdays 4:30-6:30pm
Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm

A pile with various colors of legos


Location: Makers Lab – Lego Club is a great way to interact and communicate with others through play. There will be weekly challenges, teambuilding exercise, and free play opportunities. Our objective is to allow all participates to be creative and use their imagination while developing social interactions with others. Participants: 4/8

Mondays 4:30-5:30pm