Finding a local gym that FITS you can be difficult. Take advantage of the Kenosha YMCA’s February Personal Training offer and make the most of your membership.
Every day people are motivated to join the Y and live healthier. But sometimes we all need advice from an expert, or a little extra help and support. Whatever your goals are, our Certified Personal Trainers will motivate you and help you reach them safely.
Our mission is to help you reach your fitness goals through our extensive list of engaging classes, expert personal trainers, and our facilities — all at the Y’s affordable prices.
You belong at the Y whether you are looking for weight loss help, to improve your overall physical fitness, firm your muscles, or even to enjoy the comradery of a fun fitness class or sports league.
The Kenosha YMCA offers a variety of group fitness classes, wellness programs, personal training, and state-of-the-art equipment for our awe-inspiring members.
Contact Tenille Fick, Member Engagement Director
at 654-9622 ext. 235 for complete details.